Thursday, January 27, 2011

baked sweet potato with "cheese sauce"

i did my own thing for dinner tonight. still adhering to the basic principles of thrive, aside from baking at a rather high temp. it was delicious! here's the recipe for 1, sean's driving tonight and i had already made milo his banana buckwheat pancakes before i ever got around to thinking of what to have myself.....

1 sweet potato, ends trimmed. (brush with olive oil all over & a sprinkle of sea salt if you so desire.)

bake the potato on a baking sheet (they tend to get a little sticky while baking) in a 385* oven for 35-40 min.

while the potato is in the oven...

prepare a 1/2 recipe of CREAMY NUTRITIONAL YEAST SAUCE (click for link to previous post, you'll have to scroll to the bottom for the recipe),

fry 1/2 a diced sweet onion in a little live oil until it begins to caramelize,

AND chop up a handful of baby spinach.

when potato is out of the oven, slice down the center with a serrated knife and open up as you would a regular baked potato.

top with chopped spinach, followed by the creamy nutritional yeast sauce and lastly the caramelized onion.

i also just remembered that i was going to top the whole thing with some crumbled leftover almond burger....actually what prompted me to think up the recipe in the first place....i forgot. next time! i will definitely be making these again.


  1. Do you grind the sunflower seeds for the cheese sauce, or do you leave them whole?

  2. it does not say to grind them in the recipe and so far i haven't but the thought actually crossed my mind tonight : )
